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Jason Delgado

Jason Delgado b. 1994 is a visual poet with a fascination for the stories everyday objects tell. His delicately rendered hyperrealist paintings of pillows with objects hidden inside them draw the viewer quietly, almost seductively, into a private world of secret wishes, comforting dreams, of traumas and restless fears. There is nothing soft about the sharp contrasts in his juxtaposed objects or the messages they convey through concealment. His ‘words’ ring loud and clear through his silent compositions. This multi-awarded painter with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture is a 2-time Philippine Art Awards Regional Winner (Visayas Section, 2020 and 2016), a Finalist of the 2016 GSIS National Art Competition (Abstract Category) and the Grand Prize winner of the FIrst Iloilo Art Prize in 2015, to cite a few of his distinctions.

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